comienzo en inglés se dice beginning . También se traduce como inception , starting , commencement , onset , start , initiation , dawning , input stage , kick-off , eruption , startup [start-up] , start time , opening , tip-off , early stage .

Traducción de expresiones en español que usan comienzo

  • abocado al fracaso desde el comienzo en inglés se dice doomed from + the beginning ; doomed from + the outset ; doomed from + the start
  • en + Posesivo + comienzos en inglés se dice at the birth of

Frases que contienen comienzo en inglés

In addition, synthesis often requires the use of a facet indicator, which marks the beginning of a new facet for example

Automated cataloging support systems, with any pretense to sophistication, did not begin to appear until the inception of the LC/MARC II (Library of Congress/Machine-Readable Cataloging) project in late 1967

The information seeking patterns of a variety of academic social scientists were broken down into 6 characteristics: starting; chaining; browsing; differentiating; monitoring; and extracting

The development of the course since its commencement is reviewed, and the reasons for changes in the course structure are discussed

In the 1980s came the onset of the 'new' immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe

Olle is right, however, in implying that after a slow start interest in, and writing about, official publishing in Britain has increased dramatically in recent years

The increase in emphasis on regional cooperation has resulted in the initiation of many regional projects

The Internet heralds the dawning of a new information age

To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage

The cooperative venture 'StoryLines America' joins libraries and public radio in smash kick-off

Information on the news items relevant to 'mad cow disease' was collected for a period of 100 days starting very close to the eruption of the crisis

This article presents some practical tips to help users of DIALOG's DIALOGLINK including buffer size, screen speed-up, startup short cuts, type-ahead buffer and use of DIALOGLING with other services

Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time

Some of the common auxiliaries are allocated notations in which the facet indicators possess both an opening and a closure sign

I looked forward to my first night as a referee, but right after the tip-off, my fantasies faded -- these sweet, innocent boys transformed into demon children

The risk of passing HIV infection through sexual activity is also much higher during the early stage of acute infection

Otras formas de comienzo a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • comienzos

Frases en inglés similares a comienzo

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