incremento en inglés se dice increase . También se traduce como increment , rise , tide , blossoming , augmentation , increase in numbers , growth in number , surge , jump , upswing , widening , mark-up [markup] , blooming .

Traducción de expresiones en español que usan incremento

  • incremento de en inglés se dice increased

Frases que contienen incremento en inglés

The term you have chosen indicates an increase in specificity, since it is one of the members of the group described by the basic term

The volume increment gives information about the numbering scheme for volumes

The rapid rise of computer literacy in the world has led to a demand for the easy availability of many kinds of information

What has happened is that yet another institution has so overlapped with our own that we are being swept along on the tide of the technological revolution

There has been a blossoming in new consumer health information services

If the budget will not permit staff augmentation, then the reference librarian must help the department head to make the most of available resources

The present increase in numbers of overseas students in Australia tertiary institutions has implications for libraries

The growth in number of national, regional and international agricultural organisations has resulted in a vast output of scientific and technical literature, issued in a wide variety of forms

The Internet is also creating a new surge of interest in information in all forms, and a revitalized interest in reading

One of these proposals, a large jump in the dues for students and retired members, was watered down before finally being passed

The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales

Despite growth in export volume in recent years, there has been a widening of the national current account deficit from 8.8% to over 20%

Customers will be charged either a mark-up or a mark-down, depending on whether they are buying or selling

The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read

Otras formas de incremento a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • incrementos

Frases en inglés similares a incremento

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