artista en inglés se dice artist . También se traduce como performer , performing artist , artiste , entertainer .

Traducción de expresiones en español que usan artista

  • artista ambulante en inglés se dice travelling entertainer
  • salida de artistas en inglés se dice stage door

Frases que contienen artista en inglés

Single personal authorship includes writers of books, composers of music, compilers of bibliographies, cartographers, artist, photographers, and, in certain cases, performers of sound recordings, films and videorecordings

The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere

Performing artist and radio show host Ian Whitcomb expresses his misgivings over donating his popular music collection to libraries

An artiste is a person who practices the performing arts; for example, a singer, a circus performer, dancer, magician, etc

Authors, politicians and entertainers were asked how libraries have helped expand their horizons

Otras formas de artista a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • artistas

Frases en inglés similares a artista

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