losa en inglés se dice slab . También se traduce como paving stone , flagstone , floor tile , quarry tile , paver tile , paver .

Traducción de expresiones en español que usan losa

  • losa de hormigón en inglés se dice concrete slab

Frases que contienen losa en inglés

What is absolutely certain is that without some preparation by the teacher, a visitor cannot hope to achieve very much; he is in little better a position than cold fish on a marble slab

If they were watching the nimble movements of a compositor as he gathered the types from the hundred and fifty-two boxes of his case, they would run into a ream of wetted paper weighted down with paving stones

The location of the quarries strongly supports the hypothesis that the Romans carried the flagstones by ship towards the coasts of the central Adriatic Sea

Today's floor tiles can be created to look like many other materials too, and there really are no limits to the effects that can be created

I am thinking of using 2 layers of unglazed quarry tiles on the floor of my oven instead of fire bricks...any thoughts?

Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod

That is why concrete pavers made with granite can provide a long term solution for anyone who wants their pavement to last a lifetime

Otras formas de losa a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • losas

Frases en inglés similares a losa

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