retrete de pie en inglés se dice squat toilet . También se traduce como squatty potty , squat loo .

Frases que contienen retrete de pie en inglés

If you're traveling to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, France, and some parts of Latin America, you're likely to encounter a squat toilet (otherwise known as a squatty potty)

If you're traveling to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, France, and some parts of Latin America, you're likely to encounter a squat toilet (otherwise known as a squatty potty)

One of the gang had badly damaged her knee in a sports accident years before and was unable to use the squat loo

Otras formas de retrete de pie a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • retretes de pie

Frases en inglés similares a retrete de pie

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