robo en inglés se dice theft . También se traduce como burglary , robbery , larceny , stealing , thieving , rustling , daylight robbery , depredation , depredation , plundering , thievery , break-in .

Traducción de expresiones en español que usan robo

  • antirrobo en inglés se dice anti-theft
  • robo mediante alunizaje en inglés se dice ram-raid

Frases que contienen robo en inglés

I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books

This article describes the means of protecting the library against burglary, fire and unauthorised borrowing

Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery

The article is entitled 'Library and archival crime: some recent larcenies, misappropriations and other peccadilloes'

The stealing of books and mutilation of reading materials are common in many libraries: only the magnitude of the crime may differ

A major concern for organisations today is the protection of competitive information from thieving

The disease spread rapidly through rustling of sick or infected animals

Health-care price hike is daylight robbery

Libraries and archives are the subject of increasing depredations by thieves and vandals

Libraries and archives are the subject of increasing depredations by thieves and vandals

The focus of the study was the plundering of Jewish gold in the German death camps

Due to economic depression, lap dog thievery is now on the increase

An hapless burglar was left hanging upside down outside a house after trapping a shoelace on a window during a break-in

Otras formas de robo a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • robos

Frases en inglés similares a robo

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