zarrapastroso en inglés se dice tattered . También se traduce como shabby , scruff , in tatters , in rags , out-at-(the)-elbows .

Frases que contienen zarrapastroso en inglés

He inherited a deplorable 'library' with a randomly-chosen collection of tattered, torn, defaced books

Behind the shabby desk was a rather shabby man, with a tired and indecisive face

Part of the reason he is such a scruff is he took on sponsorship to raise money for charity by agreeing to not have his beard or hair cut for the better part of a year

Saddam Hussein, the tyrant of Iraq, was pitiful when he was discovered in his hiding spot dirty, hungry and in tatters

Children too exhausted even to wave the flies off their faces, and men and women in rags scrabbling in the dirt for grains of wheat

His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak was out-at-the-elbows, the water passed through his shoes, -- and the stars through his soul

Otras formas de zarrapastroso a las cual se aplica esta traducción al inglés

  • zarrapastrosos
  • zarrapastrosa
  • zarrapastrosas

Frases en inglés similares a zarrapastroso

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